System technology & engineering


We are thinking about new technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain technology from the perspective of systems technology and engineering.

Artificial intelligence/computing

If we compare and consider artificial intelligence and conventional computer systems, we can better understand each other's characteristics. The following article describes my thoughts on artificial intelligence and its technologies from this perspective.

Essential Semantics of Neural Networks

Fuzzy Turing Machines: Toward Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI Agents as Automatically Designed Von Neumann Computer Systems

Comparison of Generative AI and Computer Processing Architectures

Simulation-Based Inference: Generative AI Technology from the Perspective of a Software Engineer

The following article examines the mechanism for recording data in chronological order by comparing the characteristics of blockchain technology with the nature of episodic memory in the human brain.

Episodic Memory and Blockchain Technology: A Requirement for Cooperation between Humans and AI

System engineering

Artificial intelligence should be useful in conventional system development. From that perspective, the following article summarizes my thoughts on future system development.

Possibilities of modelware engineering: The future of system development opened up by generative AI (In Japanese article.)

Natural Language and Programming: Software Development with Artificial Intelligence (In Japanese article.)

By integrating blockchain technology into the workings of society, the very nature of society itself will change. The following article is a discussion of a smart society based on systems incorporating blockchain technology.

Model of trust: smart social system with blockchain and AI (In Japanese article.)

Science and engineering have different stances. Science focuses on understanding facts, while engineering uses technology to solve problems and shape the future. The following article presents the idea that an engineering-centered perspective will become important from now on.

Core and Frame of Structure: Towards an Engineering-Centric Perspective